


I am grateful to these individuals who have been collaborating with me "in the trenches", having dedicated many hours in discussion, questioning, debate, and for their inspiration and guidance. 


Larry LeiferProfessor of Mechanical Engineering;Founding Director, Center for Design ResearchStanford University

Larry Leifer

Professor of Mechanical Engineering;
Founding Director, Center for Design Research
Stanford University

Ade MabogunjeSenior Scientist and Associate DirectorCenter for Design ResearchStanford University

Ade Mabogunje

Senior Scientist and Associate Director
Center for Design Research
Stanford University

Neeraj SonalkarSenior Design ResearcherCenter for Design ResearchStanford University

Neeraj Sonalkar

Senior Design Researcher
Center for Design Research
Stanford University

Bruce AlbertsChancellor’s Leadership Chair in Biochemistry &Biophysics for Science & EducationUniversity of California, San FranciscoPresident Emeritus, National Academy of Sciences

Bruce Alberts

Chancellor’s Leadership Chair in Biochemistry &
Biophysics for Science & Education
University of California, San Francisco
President Emeritus, National Academy of Sciences

Mariana AmatulloVice PresidentDesignmatters DepartmentArt Center College of Design

Mariana Amatullo

Vice President
Designmatters Department
Art Center College of Design

Jeffrey TsaoDistinguished Member of Technical StaffSandia National Labs

Jeffrey Tsao

Distinguished Member of Technical Staff
Sandia National Labs

Satu MiettinenVice Dean & ProfessorApplied Art and DesignFaculty of Art and DesignUniversity of Lapland

Satu Miettinen

Vice Dean & Professor
Applied Art and Design
Faculty of Art and Design
University of Lapland

Jeffrey OsbornDean & ProfessorThe College of New Jersey

Jeffrey Osborn

Dean & Professor
The College of New Jersey

Gunalan NadarajanDean & Professor at the Penny W. Stamps School of Art and DesignUniversity of Michigan. 

Gunalan Nadarajan

Dean & Professor at the Penny W. Stamps School of Art and Design
University of Michigan.


Kees DorstProfessor, Faculty of Design, Architecture and BuildingCore Member, DIRC - Design InnovationDirector, DIRC - Design InnovationUTS - University of Technology Sydney

Kees Dorst

Professor, Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building
Core Member, DIRC - Design Innovation
Director, DIRC - Design Innovation
UTS - University of Technology Sydney

Curtis FrankW.M. Keck, Sr. Professor in Chemical EngineeringProfessor (By courtesy), Materials Science and EngineeringStanford University

Curtis Frank

W.M. Keck, Sr. Professor in Chemical Engineering
Professor (By courtesy), Materials Science and Engineering
Stanford University

Gabriele BammerProfessor, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Research School of Population HealthANU College of Medicine, Biology and Environment

Gabriele Bammer

Professor, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Research School of Population Health
ANU College of Medicine, Biology and Environment

Daria Mochly-RosenProfessor of Chemical and Systems BiologySPARK Founder and Co-DirectorFounder and President, SPARK GlobalStanford University

Daria Mochly-Rosen

Professor of Chemical and Systems Biology
SPARK Founder and Co-Director
Founder and President, SPARK Global
Stanford University

Kevin GrimesAssociate Professor of Chemical and Systems BiologyCo-Director, SPARK Program

Kevin Grimes

Associate Professor of Chemical and Systems Biology
Co-Director, SPARK Program

Christoper D'EliaDean and ProfessorLSU, College of the Coast & Environment

Christoper D'Elia

Dean and Professor
LSU, College of the Coast & Environment


I'm grateful to the following organizations who have supported projects mentioned on this website:

NATIONAL ENDOWMENT OF THE ARTSEstablished by Congress in 1965, the NEA is the independent federal agency whose funding and support gives Americans the opportunity to participate in the arts, exercise their imaginations, and develop their creative ca…


Established by Congress in 1965, the NEA is the independent federal agency whose funding and support gives Americans the opportunity to participate in the arts, exercise their imaginations, and develop their creative capacities. Through partnerships with state arts agencies, local leaders, other federal agencies, and the philanthropic sector, the NEA supports arts learning, affirms and celebrates America’s rich and diverse cultural heritage, and extends its work to promote equal access to the arts in every community across America. Visit to learn more about NEA.

THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES KECK FUTURES INITIATIVEThe Futures Initiative is designed to enable scientists from different disciplines to focus on new questions, upon which they can base entirely new research, and to encourage and reward outstanding commu…


The Futures Initiative is designed to enable scientists from different disciplines to focus on new questions, upon which they can base entirely new research, and to encourage and reward outstanding communication between scientists as well as between the scientific enterprise and the public.